It was a land of opportunity with vast natural resources and the nation was acquiring wealth and respect from other countries. The government was under the spotlight and various Civil Service Reforms were implemented. Financial policies were aimed at increasing the wealth of America and its citizens. The leaders of the country who were elected president during the Maturation Era, and helped to make United States History, were Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft.
President Chester Arthur and the
Maturation Era: Chester Arthur Presidency (1881-1885)
Important events in United States History during the presidency
of Chester A Arthur includes the Pendleton Civil Service Reform
Act, Chinese Exclusion Act and the Star-Route Scandal.
President Grover Cleveland and
the Maturation Era: First Grover Cleveland Presidency (1885-1889)
Important events in United States History during the two
presidential terms of office served by Grover Cleveland include
the Dawes Severalty Act, The Panic of 1893, Chicago World's Fair
and the Interstate Commerce Act. His first presidency ended on
March 4, 1889. The next president was Benjamin Harrison. The
second Cleveland term in office began on March 4, 1893.
President Grover Cleveland and
the Maturation Era: Second Grover Cleveland Presidency (1893-1897)
His first presidency ended on
March 4, 1889. The next president was Benjamin Harrison. The
second Cleveland term in office began on March 4, 1893.
President Benjamin Harrison and
the Maturation Era: Benjamin Harrison Presidency (1889-1893)
Important events in United States History during the presidency
of Benjamin Harrison includes the Billion Dollar Congress, The
Ghost Dance War, Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii and the McKinley
President William McKinley and
the Maturation Era: William McKinley Presidency (1897-1901) & (1901)
Important events in United States History during the presidency
of William McKinley includes the Dingley Tariff, 1897,
Spanish-American War and the 1898 Treaty of Paris.
President Theodore Roosevelt and
the Maturation Era: Theodore Roosevelt Presidency (1901-1905) & (1905-1909)
Important events in United States History during the presidency
of Theodore Roosevelt includes the Square Deal Domestic Policy,
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, National Monuments
Act and the San Francisco Earthquake.
President William Taft and the
Maturation Era: William Taft Presidency (1909-1913) Important events in United States History during the presidency of William Taft includes the Taft's Dollar Diplomacy, Louis Glavis
Scandal, Sinking of the Titanic, 16th amendment added to the
Constitution and the 17th amendment added to the Constitution.
United States History
The following link
provides access to all the most important events of each of the
presidencies in the history of the United States of America. |