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Evolution Era: 1801 - 1828


Evolution Era: 1801 - 1828: This article about the Evolution Era in United States History is presented in a unique way by linking the most famous events in the Evolution era of 1801 - 1828 with the presidents who were in power during the time when these important events in American history occurred.

An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the Important historical events in each of the Presidencies that occured during the Evolution Era of United States history that spanned from 1801 - 1828.

President Thomas Jefferson and the Evolution Era: United States History from 1801 - 1828
Important events in United States History during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson includes the Judiciary Act of 1801, Louisiana Purchase, 1803, Lewis and Clark Expedition, 12th Amendment, 1804, Embargo Act and the Outrage on the Chesapeake Frigate - United States History for Kids.

Thomas Jefferson Presidency (1801-1805) & (1805-1809)

President Thomas Jefferson
Judiciary Act of 1802
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Aaron Burr duel
Steamboats of the 1800's
Non-Intercourse Act, 1809
Barbary Wars and Pirates
US History in 1800's - Population, Cities and Travel
Embargo Act and the USS Chesapeake - HMS Leopard incident

President James Madison and the Evolution Era: United States History from 1801 - 1828
Important events in United States History during the presidency of James Madison includes the Non-Intercourse Act, 1809, the War of 1812, the burning of Washington DC, the Creek War, the construction of the Cumberland Road, the Hartford Convention and the Treaty of Ghent - United States History for Kids.

James Madison Presidency (1809-1813) & (1813-1817)

President James Madison
The War of 1812
Facts about the War of 1812
Burning of Washington DC
The History of the Star Spangled Banner
Meaning and Lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Protective Tariff of 1816
Construction of the Cumberland Road
History of the Turnpikes
Barbary Wars and Pirates - Second Barbary War
Second Bank of the United States

President James Monroe and the Evolution Era: United States History from 1801 - 1828
Important events in United States History during the presidency of James Monroe includes the Era of Good Feeling (1815-1824), the 49th parallel, set as the border with Canada, the Florida Treaty, 1819, the Missouri Compromise and the Monroe Doctrine, 1823 - United States History for Kids.

James Monroe Presidency (1817-1821) & (1821-1825)

President James Monroe
Era of Good Feelings (1815-1824)
Henry Clay and the 'American System'
Rush-Bagot Treaty
The 1818 Convention - 49th parallel
Purchase of Florida - Adams Onis Treaty
Santa Fe Trail
The Missouri Compromise
Free States & Slave States
Panic of 1819
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823

President John Quincy Adams and the Evolution Era: United States History from 1801 - 1828
Important events in United States History during the presidency of John Quincy Adams includes the Erie Canal, the Tariff of Abominations 1828 and the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and railroads in the 1800s.

John Quincy Adams Presidency (1825-1829)

President John Quincy Adams
The Erie Canal
Railroads in the 1800s
The Horse Car
General Survey Act of 1824
The 1828 Tariff of Abominations
South Carolina Exposition
The Gag Rule

Crash Course in American History: Summaries of Events in the Evolution Era
A fast overview, or crash course in American History, during the Evolution Era can be obtained from the interesting and important articles on United States History for Kids that can be found in the section. There are summaries and definitions of the key historical events for each of the presidencies of the Evolution Era from 1801 - 1828.

US American History

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Updated 2018-01-01

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