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Jacksonian Era


Definition and Summary of the Jacksonian Era
Summary and definition:
The Jacksonian Era saw the Bank Wars and the establishment of the Pet Banks. Andrew Jackson, the Democratic 'man of the people' ignored the politicians and took advice from his 'Kitchen Cabinet'.

He backed movement to the frontiers but the Native Indians suffered as a result especially when the 1830 Indian Removal Act passed which led to forced relocation via the infamous Trail of Tears. The clash between the Northern and Southern states dominated the nation. Runaway slaves received help from Abolitionist Movement and the "Underground Railroad".

The Telegraph system spread across the country enabling instant communication between the East and the West. The leaders of the country who were elected president during the Jacksonian Era were Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren who had supported Jackson during his presidency.

Jacksonian Era: United States History from 1829 - 1841
This article about the Jacksonian Era in United States History is presented in a unique way by linking the most famous events in the Jacksonian era of 1829 - 1841 with the presidents who were in power during the time when these important events in American history occurred. An easy way to discover facts, dates and information about the Important historical events in each of the Presidencies that occured during the Jacksonian Era of United States history that spanned from 1829 - 1841.

Andrew Jackson Presidency (1829-1833) & (1833-1837)

President Andrew Jackson
1830 Indian Removal Act
Tariff of 1832
Force Bill
Nullification Crisis
1833 Compromise Tariff
Bank War
Pet Banks and Wildcat Banks
Specie Circular
Peggy Eaton affair
The Kitchen Cabinet
The Spoils System
Battle of the Alamo
Victory or Death letter
Texas Revolution
Cyrus McCormick reaper
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Abolitionist Movement
Fugitive Slave Act
1836 Gag Rule
The "Underground Railroad"
Underground Railroad Maps
Underground Railroad Symbols & Secret Codes

President Martin Van Buren and the Jacksonian Era: United States History from 1829 - 1841
Important events in United States History during the presidency of Martin Van Buren includes the Panic of 1837, Neutrality Law of 1838 and The Amistad incident - United States History for Kids:

Martin Van Buren Presidency (1837-1841)

President Martin Van Buren
Panic of 1837
Aroostook War
Trail of Tears
The Amistad Slave Ship
Samuel Morse and the First Telegraph

Crash Course in American History: Summaries of Events in the Jacksonian Era
A fast overview, or crash course in American History, during the Jacksonian Era can be obtained from the interesting and important articles on United States History for Kids that can be found in the section. There are summaries and definitions of the key historical events for each of the presidencies of the Jacksonian Era from 1829 - 1841.

US American History

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Updated 2018-01-01

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