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President John Tyler

John Tyler

President John Tyler:
Short biography of President John Tyler and the key events during his presidency.

Life of President John TylerFast Fact File
John Tyler (1790-1862), nicknamed the "His Accidency", was the 10th American President and served in office from 1841-1845. The Presidency of John Tyler spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Westward Expansion. President John Tyler represented the Whig political party which influenced the domestic and foreign policies of his presidency.

The major accomplishments and the famous, main events that occurred during the time that John Tyler was president included the resignation of the Cabinet (1841), Labor Unions were legalized (1842), the Texas Annexation Treaty (1844) and the Treaty with China (1845). In 1842 the first wagon train headed westward via the Oregon Trail. The grain elevators or "Prairie Skyscrapers" were also invented during the period solving the problem of storing and transporting wheat to the nation. John Tyler died  of respiratory failure on January 18, 1862, aged 71. The next president was James Knox Polk.

Birthday: March 29, 1790

Place of Birth: Virginia

Political Party: Whig 

Nickname: His Accidency

Number: 10th President

Vice President: No Vice President

Age at Inauguration: 51

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 160 pounds

First Ladies: Letitia Tyler, Priscilla Tyler & Julia Tyler

Religion: Episcopalian

Date of Death: January 18, 1862

Date of John Tyler Presidency: April 4, 1841 to March 4, 1845

The Nickname of John Tyler: "His Accidency"
The nickname of President John Tyler provides an insight into how the man was viewed by the American public during his presidency. The meaning of the nickname "His Accidency" refers to his unexpected elevation to the President of the United States by the death of his predecessor, William Harrison.

Character and Personality Type of John Tyler
The character traits of President John Tyler can be described as reserved, charming, elegant, gracious and courteous but unable to make small talk with strangers. It has been speculated that the Myers-Briggs personality type for John Tyler is an INTP (introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving). A modest, reserved, stoic character with a preference to work informally with others as equals. John Tyler Personality type: Quiet, analytical, impatient and thoughtful.

Accomplishments of John Tyler and the Famous Events during his Presidency
The accomplishments of John Tyler and the most famous events during his presidency are provided in an interesting, short summary format detailed below.

The Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Summary of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty: The
Webster-Ashburton Treaty with Great Britain was made following the bloodless border conflict  between Maine and the province of New Brunswick, from February to May, 1839, known as the Aroostook War. The Maine-New Brunswick boundary was settled by the treaty during the presidency of John Tyler.  

Repeal of the Gag Rule
Summary of the Repeal of the Gag Rule: The
Repeal of the Gag Rule was enacted on December 3, 1844 when the House of Representatives led by John Quincy Adams and the pro-abolitionists overturned the infamous gag ruleon abolitionist petitions.

The Oregon Trail
Summary of the Oregon Trail: The
first Important migration along the Oregon Trail took place in 1843 when a large wagon train consisting of 120 wagons and 500 people made the 2000 mile long, dangerous journey from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City. The opening of the Oregon trail was of major importance to Westward Expansion.

Texas Annexation
Summary of the Texas Annexation: On March 1, 1845, Congress passed a "Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States", the
Texas Annexation. John Tyler preempted James Polk on the issue by drafting the proposals on 27 February, 1844 and presenting the bill to annex Texas on March 1, 1845. Before Texas was actually admitted to the union John Tyler had ceased to be President, but James Polk continued to support the policy.  

First telegraph line and the Morse Code
First telegraph line and the Morse Code were developed and patented in the United States in 1837 and first demonstrated during the presidency of Martin Van Buren. The use of the telegraph expanded significantly revolutionizing communication acroSs the US allowing people to communicate instantly over distances that once required days or weeks of travel.

Invention of Grain Elevators
Summary of the Invention of Grain Elevators: Another important invention during the presidency of John Tyler was the Invention of Grain Elevators that were invented in 1842 by Joseph Dart and Robert Dunbar and became known as the "Prairie Skyscrapers". The new invention enabled fast loading and efficient storage of grains transported from farmlands via the railroad. 

US American History
1841-1850: Westward Expansion

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