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President John Kennedy

John F Kennedy

President John Kennedy:
Short biography of President John Kennedy and the key events during his presidency.

Life of President John Kennedy for kids - Fast Fact File
John F Kennedy (1917-1963), nicknamed the "JFK" or the "King of Camelot", was the 35th American President and served in office from 1961-1963. The Presidency of John F Kennedy spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Cold War Era and the age of the Space Race and the Cold War Arms Race.

President John F Kennedy represented the Democratic political party which influenced the domestic and foreign policies of his presidency.

The major accomplishments and the famous, main events that occurred during the time that John F Kennedy was president included the Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961), the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) , the Berlin Wall was erected. Alan Shepard became the first American in space. The Women’s Rights Movement and Feminism emerges and the 1963 Equal Pay Act was passed. The Civil Rights Movement gains momentum with the Freedom Riders and the March on Washington. was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, aged 46. Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended in connection with the John F Kennedy Assassination but was killed two days later by Jack Ruby. The next president was Lyndon Johnson.  

Birthday: May 29, 1917

Place of Birth: Massachusetts

Political Party: Democratic 

Nickname: JFK or "King of Camelot"

Number: 35th President

Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson

Age at Inauguration: 43

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 173 pounds

First Lady: Jackie Kennedy

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Death: November 22, 1963

Date of John F Kennedy Presidency: January 20,1961 to November 22, 1963

The Nickname of John F Kennedy: JFK or the "King of Camelot"
The nickname of President John F Kennedy provides an insight into how the man was viewed by the American public during his presidency. The meaning of the nickname "King of Camelot" refers to the old Arthurian legend and the chivalric King Arthur's, who lived in his castle at Camelot. JFK shared King Arthur's idealistic view of the future which was illustrated in the popular 1960 Broadway production of the musical called Camelot. Following the assassination of John F Kennedy his wife, Jackie Kennedy said the words from a song kept repeating through her head "Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot..."

Character and Personality Type of John F Kennedy
The character traits of President John F Kennedy can be described as outgoing, charming, gallant, sensitive, controlling, witty and gregarious. It has been speculated that the Myers-Briggs personality type for John F Kennedy is an ESFP (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment) with the temperament of an idealist. An outgoing, fun, unconventional and attentive character who excels in interpersonal interactions. John F Kennedy Personality type: Resourceful, enthusiastic, optimistic, gregarious and persuasive.

Accomplishments of John F Kennedy and the Famous Events during his Presidency
The accomplishments of John F Kennedy and the most famous events during his presidency are provided in an interesting, short summary format detailed below.

The Cold War (1945 - 1991)
Summary of the Cold War:
The Cold War (1945 - 1991) was a 'war of words'  involving the Cold War Space Race and the Cold War Arms Race involving the nuclear build-up between the USA and the West and the Communist countries dominated by the USSR and China in the East. John F Kennedy was one of the nine US Presidents who were in office during the dangerous period in history known as the Cold War in which the US adopted the policy of Containment to restrict the spread of communism abroad.

The Vietnam War (1955 - 1975)
Summary of the Vietnam War: The
Vietnam War (November 1, 1955 – April 30, 1975) between communist North Vietnam and the Viet Cong communist guerrillas (backed by China and the USSR) against the non-communist South Vietnam (supported by US military aid and involvement). There were four US presidents during the Vietnam War: Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon  The first US combat troops were sent to Vietnam in March 1965 and left in August 1973.

Agent Orange
Summary of Agent Orange:
Agent Orange, a chemical herbicide (that came in orange containers), was used as a form of chemical warfare in Operation Ranch Hand during the Vietnam War. Exposure to Agent Orange led to long term health effects on Vietnam veterans.

Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
Summary of the Bay of Pigs Invasion: dURING THE PRESIDENCY OF John F Kennedy CIA-backed Cuban exiles, launched the botched Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba on April 17, 1961 to overthrow Fidel Castro and establish a non-communist government.

The Space Race challenge (1961)
Summary of the Space Race: The Space Race took a leap forward when on May 25, 1961, John F Kennedy  went to Congress and announced that he wanted to be  the first country to put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade.

The Peace Corps (1961)
Summary of the Peace Corps: The Peace Corps was established on March 1, 1961 by John F. Kennedy “promote world peace and friendship”

The Freedom Riders (1961)
Summary of the Freedom Riders: The Freedom Riders tested new Interstate Commerce Commission regulations banning segregation in interstate transportation and to establish whether facilities at bus terminals on the journey were integrated or segregated. The first Freedom Riders were attacked and greeted with terrifying violence in Alabama  but massive press coverage encouraged hundreds more Freedom Riders to follow their example.

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis: The Cuban Missile Crisis (October 14, 1962 – October 28, 1962) brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The crisis began when an American U-2 spy plane captured photographs indicating that the Soviet Union began was installing nuclear missiles in Cuba. John F Kennedy launched a naval blockade, effectively placing Cuba under "quarantine" which Khrushchev warned would be viewed as an act of war. Kennedy and Khrushchev came to an agreement and a nuclear war was avoided.

The March on Washington (1963)
Summary of the March on Washington: The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963. The rally attracted 250,000 people who listened to speakers such as Dr. Martin Luther King who made the famous "I have a dream" speech.

Second Wave Feminism
Summary of the Second Wave Feminism: The Women’s Rights Movement Reawakens
Second Wave Feminism as women activists agitated for equality in the workplace, more opportunities in politics and freedom in their personal lives in respect of contraception.

Equal Pay Act of 1963
Summary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963: The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed by John F Kennedy to establish equal pay for equal work among men and women and prohibited sex discrimination by employers.

JFK Assassination
Summary of the John F Kennedy Assassination: The JFK Assassination happened in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 when President John F Kennedy was fatally hit with two bullets, one in the head and one in the neck whist traveling in a presidential motorcade. Lee Harvey Oswald was interrogated in connection with the JFK Assassination  but was shot and killed by Jack Ruby whilst being led through the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters on November 24, 1963. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in  as the thirty-sixth President of the United States, 98 minutes after the assassination of John F Kennedy.

US American History
1945-1989: Cold War Era

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