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New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800


New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800: The United States History articles in this section on the New Nation Era relate to the important events, famous people and dates from 1790 - 1800.

President Washington and the New Nation Era
Important events in Important events in United States History during the presidency of George Washington includes the 1789 Judiciary Act, Bill of Rights, National Mint, Post Office, the Census, Whiskey Rebellion, the formation of the political parties, the French Revolution and US History, Jay Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty and the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793.

Click the link for articles about Shays rebellion, that occurred just before Washington became President. The most important diplomatic aims of the Washington administration was to secure recognition of American borders from the great European powers.

President Washington and the New Nation Era

President George Washington
1789 Judiciary Act
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
Jay's Treaty
French Revolution and US history
The Whiskey Rebellion
American Currency History
National Mint
First Bank of the United States
Post Office
Eli Whitney Cotton Gin
Samuel Slater & the Cotton Mill
1790 Census
Pinckney's Treaty

President Adams and the New Nation Era
Important events in Important events in United States History during the presidency of John Adams includes the XYZ Affair, the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, Second Great Awakening and the Virginia and the Kentucky Resolutions.

President John Adams
XYZ Affair
The Quasi War
Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Judiciary Act of 1801: Midnight Judges
Second Great Awakening
Buying Freedom from Slavery

A fast overview, or crash course in American History, during the New Nation Era can be obtained from the interesting and important articles on United States History for Kids that can be found in the section. There are summaries and definitions of the key historical events for each of the presidencies of the New Nation Era from 1790 - 1800.

US American History

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Updated 2018-01-01

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